Thursday, May 8, 2014

RSS Feeds: Thing 4

RSS Feeds are a way to make the information come to you.  Rather than searching your favorite news and tech sites and wasting a lot of time trying to find new articles, an RSS Feed is a one stop shop for all of your favorite content.

I really like the idea of an RSS Feed.  It seems like a great way to simplify your life and pause some of the frantic feelings of "is something new happening?"  RSS Feeds save you the hassle of checking, checking checking every five minutes. 

I installed the Flipboard app to try out an RSS Feed manager and play around with the idea.  I liked that you could insert different "genre"s--sports, music, travel--so even if you don't have a favorite tech blog, you could still be supplied with some articles on that subject.  However, to use Flipboard effectively, it seems like one would have to have many sources they like to frequent and have in one spot.

I have to be honest, though.

I don't follow a lot of blogs.  A couple at the most.   I don't have a Twitter.  I listen to NPR in the morning as my news source.  I am a very busy person, and when I'm not busy, I like to do things like read books or cook or watch documentaries.*

I don't think an RSS Feed fits my lifestyle.  I like to stay in the loop when it comes to technology and current events and the library world, but I would rather seek that information when I have time to dedicate to those articles.  I also just don't have the sort of personality that frequents several websites consistently throughout the week (unless you count Facebook and Tumblr).

Speaking of Facebook, you can integrate your Newsfeed into Flipboard.  At first I thought this was pretty cool, but the formatting for the information was just so cluttered that it seemed more frustrating than useful. Some of the images were hard to read, too.

I can see where having and RSS Feed app would be useful, but I'm going to have to say that Thing 4 is not for me!

*This probably made me sound, like, 50 years old but I swear I'm 24.

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