Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Thing 8: How I don't qualify.

I know in order to be a really good and really trendy librarian I should have at least two Twitter accounts and want to always be in the know, but I honestly find social media really draining, and this is coming from a 24 year old.  So when I saw Thing #8 and how it is all about managing our social media, I felt super stressed out, because I had just uninstalled the Facebook app from my phone for the summer (along with Tumblr, but never Goodreads.)

I spend at least 8 hours a day in front of a computer, which lends plenty of time to keeping up with my social media and with what's trending.  I just can't justify carrying it around with me on my phone, too. 

Maybe I'm just a boring person!  But: I don't have a FourSquare, I don't see the reason to install the LinkedIn app (now I can network on the go!), and try as hard as I might, I somehow keep ending up with a Google + account even though I don't want one. 

Therefore: I do not have social media apps that need managing.  So I didn't use any of the managers.

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