Friday, May 23, 2014

Thing 7: Saving Sites

Pinterest icon Thing 7 is all about organizing the sites you visit often.  Bookmarks are a thing of the past--you might have multiple computers or mobile devices--so where does that leave you?  In the grocery store without a recipe, lamenting that you can't remember the URL. 

A quick word of praise for Pinterest:

I've been using Pinterest for about 3 years.  I used it to plan my wedding (Note: once I actually got engaged.  Not as a wedding-crazy single person.), and I continue to use it to bookmark vacation tips but mainly: RECIPES.  

I'm a super visual eater, so if I'm preparing the week's grocery list, I'll just go to my Pinterest account and scroll around until I'm drooling.  Pinterest is also a great place for discovery.  Sure, you can go to and type in what you're looking for and pin your URL from there.  Or you can use Pinterest's search feature and type in something like, "lasagna," and get a million pictures of lasagna--vegetarian, turkey, you name it.  The more pins something has, the more you can assume it's a great recipe. 

Negatives?  This is becoming less frequent, but sometimes people accidentally link their pin to the image of the food item, and not the URL of the recipe itself.  So you're scrolling along thinking, "Damn, that peanut butter cookie looks amazing!  I'll pin it and bake it later."  Three months later, peanut butter in hand, you open the pin, and all it takes you to is a slightly larger picture of the cookie.  No recipe!  Disappointment.

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